Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund

Grant applications for the Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund are now closed for 2024.

The Fund can be used to support a broad range of community development projects, both large and small, that make a positive contribution to the economic, social, recreational or environmental sustainability of the community.

Funding available

  • Small Grants - projects between $5,000 and $49,999.
  • Major and Forward Planning - projects that are more than $50,000.
  • Long-term sustainable outcomes for the region.
  • Enhancement of leadership, knowledge, enterprise and innovation.
  • Enhanced environment.
  • Positive and stronger communities.
Who can apply?

Community organisations in Harvey, Cookernup, Yarloop, Myalup and Binningup.

To be eligible for funding, groups must be incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act or be auspiced by an incorporated organisation.

Assessment criteria
  • Evidence of a demonstrated need for the project.
  • How the project will provide a long term benefit to the community.
  • The number of groups and individuals who will directly benefit from the project.
  • The level of financial contribution from the applicant and other funding bodies.
  • How the project facilitates partnerships with other community groups or organisations.
  • How the project provides an environmental and/or energy saving benefit.

Funding will not be available for:

  • Projects that have already started.
  • Projects that cannot demonstrate support from the landowner.
  • Projects restricted to private or exclusive participation.
  • Projects of a commercial nature.
  • Applications for personal financial gain.