Leeuwin Youth Explorer Voyage Application

Applicant Details
Have you sailed on Leeuwin before?*
Which Voyage do you want to participate in?*


Please ask someone who has known you for at least two years to complete the section below eg your teacher or employer (not a family member).

Financial Contribution
Youth Explorer Voyages cost $2,700 without a scholarship. Leeuwin Voyages are subsidised by the Shire of Harvey’s Leeuwin Sail Training Trust. You are required to contribute $400 towards the trip. If successful, this contribution must be paid to the Shire of Harvey by Friday, 19 July 2024.
Applicants must organise and fund their own transport to the port of Fremantle.
I agree to contribute $400 towards the trip

Creative Contribution

I have read and I understand the guidelines of this application and declare that:

  1. The information given in this form is complete and correct.
  2. I am aware that this application is for a scholarship and my booking confirmation is conditional on acceptance by the Community Sail Training Trust Advisory Group and the Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation’s approval.
  3. I have read and understood the Application Guidelines.
  4. In the event that I am successful in my application, I agree to pay the required contribution to the Shire by Friday, 19 July 2024.

If you are under the age of 18, your parent or guardian must complete the section below.

I understand the Application Guidelines set out above and give consent to the applicant of this form to apply to the Shire of Harvey Leeuwin Sail Training Trust subsidy for a voyage on the Leeuwin II.