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Rabbit Control Calicivirus K5 Release

Rabbit Control Calicivirus K5 Release
25 Oct 2023

The Shire will be releasing the K5 Calicivirus to control pest rabbits beginning the first week of November.

The European rabbit is present within the Shire of Harvey. In order to prevent population explosions that can damage nature reserves and ecosystems, seedlings, assets and infrastructure, rabbit control needs to be undertaken.

In Western Australia, rabbits are a declared pest of agriculture under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007, which requires landholders to control rabbits on their own property.

Calicivirus is spread from flies, mosquitos and other rabbits. Calicivirus is species specific and as such does not pose a risk to humans and other non-rabbit species. As this disease targets rabbits, domestic and pet rabbits could be affected. Rabbit owners need to either ensure their pet rabbits' vaccination records are up to date or get their pets vaccinated.

Contact your local vet for information.

This is to advise that the Shire will be releasing the K5 Calicivirus to control pest rabbits across four localities within the Shire of Harvey beginning the first week of November.

For more information on the localities, please contact the Shire’s Environmental Officer on 0408 928 462 or