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Bunbury Outer Ring Road Update

Bunbury Outer Ring Road Update
22 Sep 2023

The Bunbury Outer Ring Road Project has made significant progress throughout August. 

The Bunbury Outer Ring Road Project has made significant progress throughout August. 

The Raymond Road Interchange is nearing completion with the concrete median and maintenance staircase completed. 

Significant structural progress has also been made on the Paris-Clifton Interchange, which now has tee-roff girders installed and is ready for the deck slab and remaining bridge superstructure. 

Additionally, all substructure columns have been completed at the Railway Road bridge, which is ready for future tee-roff girder installation. The bridge deck slab has also been concreted at the South Western Highway Interchange bridge as well.  

Work around Discovery Road, Golding Crescent and Boyanup Picton Road has begun with reinforced concrete columns poured and precast headstock shells installed and infilled on select piers.

For more information about the Bunbury Outer Ring Road Project, please visit the Main Roads website