Commemoration of WW1 Veterans

Commemoration of WW1 Veterans
Saturday, 15 April 2023
10.00am to 11.00pm

The community is invited to attend a special service for WW1 veterans.

The community is invited to a special commemoration event for World War 1 veterans on Saturday, 15 April 2023 at the Harvey Old Cemetery.

The commemoration will honour six veterans who were laid to rest in unmarked graves. New war graves that feature their respective identities were recently installed after an application was lodged with and approved by the Department of Veteran Affairs' Office of Australian War Graves in 2022.

Community members are asked to arrive 15 minutes early. Refreshments will be provided after the commemoration at RSL Hall, 5 Becher Street, Harvey. 

The event is delivered in partnership between RSL Harvey Sub-Branch and the 10th Light Horse Harvey Troop.