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The Festival of Small Halls is coming to Brunswick for one night only! Get your tickets now.
About the festival
Festival of Small Halls is a series of tours that takes the best folk and contemporary acoustic artists and sends them on the road to tiny halls in communities all over Australia. It is produced by Woodfordia Inc in partnership with many other wonderful Australian festivals, regional partners and great lovers and supporters of folk and contemporary acoustic music.
About the venue
Brunswick Town Hall stands on the traditional lands of the Binjareb and Wardandi Noongar People and is historically associated with the development of the district in the 1930s. The hall is a special place for the community, holding memories of many events, attended by local individuals and families since 1936.
Brunswick Town Hall has accessible entry (ramp access through main doors, steps onto stage) and has accessible bathrooms (wheelchair accessible).
About the artists
Date and time
The Festival will be held at Brunswick Town Hall on Thursday, 22 August 2024.
Food and beverages
You can purchase tickets online or locally at Brunswick CRC (cash only). This show is supported by the Shire of Harvey, Brunswick CRC and Brunswick Town Team.