Creative Writing Competition

Creative Writing Competition
Tuesday, 30 January 2024 - Friday, 23 February 2024
9.00am to 4.00pm

Students enrolled in years 4,5 and 6 in schools within the Shire are invited to take part in a creative writing competition.

Students enrolled in years 4,5 and 6 in schools within the Shire of Harvey are invited to take part in a creative writing competition "Through the Magic Door".

Submit a short story written in 300 words or less for a chance to win a prize.

This is a great opportunity for children to get imaginative and improve their writing skills. 

Closing Date: 23 February 2024.

Winners will be announced on Thursday, 7 March 2024. 

For further information, please contact Ruth at Harvey Library on 9729 0390.

Terms and Conditions

Category: short story

Topic: Through the Magic Door

  • The competition is open to students in Years 4,5 and 6:
    • Who attend school in the Shire of Harvey but live elsewhere
    • Who live in Shire of Harvey but attend school elsewhere
    • Homeschool students who live in the Shire of Harvey
  • All stories must be entirely the work of the students
  • Judging criteria: creativity and care
  • Maximum length - 300 words
  • Stories may be typed or handwritten and illustrated
  • Mark your work with your name, age, contact number, school, class and class teacher
  • Submit your entry to Harvey or Australind Library



Prizes for each year group:

  • First prize - $100
  • Second prize - $50

All participants will receive a certificate. 

Winners will be announced on Thursday, 7 March 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the competition open to?

The competition is open to students in Years 4,5 and 6:

  • Who attend school in the Shire of Harvey but live elsewhere
  •  Who live in Shire of Harvey but attend school elsewhere
  • Homeschool students who live in the Shire of Harvey

Are adults allowed to help?

Students may receive help from their regular classroom teacher. That is, they can be supported to work on storytelling, presentation, punctuation, spelling and grammar.
However, stories must be entirely the work of the student.

When does the competition close?

The competition closes at 5pm on Friday, 23 February 2024. We are unable to accept entries after this time.

Will entries be shown in the media?

Some stories may be used for social media promotion. Please let us know if you don't want your story to be used. 

Who will be judging the competition?

Stories will be judged by teachers, authors or other professionals who are not known to the students.

What will happen to the stories after the competition finishes?

Selected stories will be displayed at Shire of Harvey Libraries during March 2024. They may be collected by students from the libraries in April, aer which time they may be destroyed.

What information needs to be included on entries?

Entries should be marked in block letters with name, age, contact number, school, class and class teacher.

Who can I contact for further details?

Please contact Ruth at Harvey Library on 9729 0390 for further information.