Free mammograms

Free mammograms
Monday, 17 June 2024 - Wednesday, 10 July 2024
12.00am to 12.00am

Free mammograms are available at the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre in June and July.

BreastScreen WA's free mammogram service will be available at the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre from Monday, 17 June to Wednesday, 10 July. 

Women 40 years and over with no symptoms are eligible for the screening (breast x-ray)

Breast cancer is the most common life threatening cancer for women. Having a screening mammogram every two years will significantly increase the chance of surviving breast cancer and will reduce the amount of treatment required.

If visit dates are not suitable, women are welcome to book at the clinic in a different town or at any of BreastScreen WA's permanent clinics.

To make your free screening mammogram appointment – call 13 20 50 or book online.