Creative Communities Strategy

Creative Communities 2027

The Shire’s Art and Culture Strategy: Creative Communities 2027 was adopted by Council in August 2022 and outlines our commitment to support greater artistic vibrancy, strong participation and enjoyment and to recognise rich place based diversity.

This project was developed with the support of the Department Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries Leveraged Creative and Cultural Planning program. The Shire of Harvey would like to thank the Department for the opportunities they provide to Local Government and the creative industries.

Through the implementation of Creative Communities over the next five years, the Shire seeks to demonstrate the wider value of the arts in contributing to health and wellbeing, the economy and society as well as the role arts can play in continued consultation and engagement with our community.

Creative Communities 2027 aims to achieve the following outcomes:

• Raise the profile of art and culture and highlight how each contribute to health and wellbeing, society and the economy.

• Increase opportunities for people to experience art and cultural practices by investigating the barriers they may face.

• Help secure new partnerships to maximise the Shire’s resources and work with community to co-create activities.

• Enable artists, cultural practitioners and organisations to use the strategy for fundraising, advocacy and project planning.

• Support the Shire to strategically plan to increase opportunities for arts and cultural initiative delivery and funding.

The strategy has been developed in partnership with our community and is shaped by an ambition to bring varied talents and creativity to the table.

Focus Areas and Objectives

This new five year strategy will continue to concentrate and build upon the four focus areas of:

  1. Vibrancy of Public Spaces - Vibrant places and spaces that support and inspire the sustainable development of participation in and celebration of creativity and culture.
  2. Artistic and Cultural Events - Develop and grow an engaged audience base for artistic and cultural events that are inclusive, place based and celebrate diversity. 
  3. Artistic and Cultural Capacity - Increase opportunities and enhance participation, engagment and support through accessible programs, collaboration and partnerships.
  4. Art Collection - Showcase and celebrate artworks that reflect our community and enrich our spaces.

Priority Projects

Creative Communities highlights six priority projects which are to be achieved over the next five years. These are to:

  1. Develop fit for purpose Community Precincts in Harvey.
  2. Plan, develop and promote multi-disciplinary arts and cultural trails throughout the Shire.
  3. Grow the Shire’s Community Arts Awards program.
  4. Develop a Creative Communities Toolkit.
  5. Develop exhibition opportunities for local artists to showcase their work in spaces and places throughout the Shire.
  6. Increase public art with the development of a Percent for Art Policy.

If you would like to learn more about Creative Communities or be involved in the Shire's Art and Culture Advisory Group, please  contact our Community Development Officer.