Shire of Harvey Council has adopted the 2022–2023 Budget which delivers essential services and key projects to meet the demands of a growing population.
Shire of Harvey President Paul Gillett said that even though a rate increase was needed to plan for a positive, sustainable future, our residents would still be paying lower rates compared to the Cities of Bunbury and Busselton and the Shires of Dardanup, Capel and Augusta-Margaret River.
The minimum rate will increase to $1,220, which is approximately the same as the Shire of Waroona. Following a revaluation of the GRV and UV land values by Landgate this year, the average general rate increase is seven per cent.
Cr Gillett said the population continued to increase and this budget needed to address key service areas and infrastructure projects to meet the needs of our growing population.
“It is predicted that in the next 10 years we will be the second largest local government area in the South West, so we need to plan now for the future and ensure that we have services and infrastructure to support our community,” Cr Gillett said.
“The Shire’s budget provides an extensive Capital Works Program which includes $57 million for building infrastructure, roads, footpaths and parks. This includes $14.3 million to maintain 1000km of road and 152km of footpath infrastructure within the Shire.
“We will continue to maintain the 2,200 ha of sporting fields, parks, gardens and reserves, with $7.6 million allocated to improving and maintaining these areas. Along with $10 million for waste services, fire, animal control and other infrastructure works.”
In addition to the Capital Works Program, $3.8 million will be spent on maintaining and expanding our community facilities and services, $5.3 million on our recreation and cultural centres, and $1.3 million on libraries and learning.
The key infrastructure projects include the Harvey and Australind Community Precincts, Brunswick River Cottages Stage 3 Development, Leschenault Leisure Centre Court Expansion and further development of the Yarloop Workshops Interpretation Centre.
The Shire of Harvey is the only local government in the South West to provide a discount incentive for paying rates by the due date and this year a discount of three per cent on all current general rates issued and payments received in full by 4pm on 30 September 2022 will be applicable to ratepayers.