Prohibited Burning Period until midnight 14 March 2025

All burning is prohibited during this period. For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies, visit Emergency WA

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Litter and Illegal Dumping

Rangers enforce the Litter Act 1979 in the Shire of Harvey, in conjunction with the Keep Australia Beautiful Council

Illegal dumping

Dumping rubbish anywhere other than an approved site is considered littering.

The Shire can impose penalties ranging from $200 to $500 for an individual and $500 to $2000 for a body corporate.

Additionally, a court can impose a penalty of up to $5000.


Litter can include:

  • Rubbish, including cigarettes, thrown from a moving vehicle or by pedestrians
  • Building rubbish, household rubbish or green waste placed on street verges or reserves
  • Placing advertising materials on vehicle windscreens
  • Dumped shopping trolleys
  • Improperly disposing of used syringes
  • Abandoned vehicles.

Individual penalties of up to $500.00 apply for each offence, or $5,000 in Court.

Report illegal dumping/littering

If you witness a person illegally dumping and littering please contact us or Keep Australia Beautiful Council to report the incident.

When witnessing the illegal dumping, take note of:

  • Date and time of incident
  • Type of vehicle and registration number
  • Description of the person/s who have allegedly committed the offence
  • Location it has taken place.

More information and contacts

For more information on illegal dumping and littering, please contact us.

Related law and legislation

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